Saturday 13 October 2012

Friday 12 October 2012

been making cards all day for my etsy shop, should all be up and running by the end of this weekend (hopefully). Haven't done as much as i would have liked due to procrastination, i ended up painting a portrait of my grandfather as a child, and watching Korean talent shows on youtube. 


Saturday 15 September 2012

lost letters & ghost ships

I made a short film whilst visiting the seaside. I was given a project title of 'journeys'. I liked the idea of being lost, and started to look into lost letters and ghost ships. 

dear all

Bought this lovely typewriter from a car boot sale, and have fallen madly in love with it's charm. It needs a new ribbon, but I quite like the subtleness of the faded ink. I can't wait to  write notes and letters to people.